Saturday, May 8, 2010

"Adventures" in sellwood...Okay, so maybe they were really more like "Outings".

If you are looking for a an easy field trip for your kids and are in the Portland area, consider Sellwood. You can walk pretty much any direction from anywhere in this neighborhood and find something kid friendly to do.

What we did:
Naomi's Organic Farm Supply: Think goats, chickens, and seeds. The goats are penned, but super friendly and looking for love!

Looking Glass Books: SO this bookstore is actually housed inside of a real train car. “With adult supervision, kids can select a book, climb into the overhead seats, and pretend they’re really riding a train," says the owner. My kids preferred to climb all over the outside of the train (I'm not so sure that is really allowed, but no one told them not to!).

Grand Central Bakery and Ugly Mug Coffee House: Both have kid friendly areas and don't mind the occasional spilled hot cocoa.

Sellwood Park: Man do I love Portland's parks. How many other cities have this much dedicated green space? Sellwood Park is just one of the many examples of beautiful and serene (okay, I have htree kids so it seems serene to me!) places to visit in the city. It is also home to one of the entrances to......It's situated on a bluff that sports one of the nicest views of Portland, from the Oak's Bottom Estuary to the West side downtown waterfront and city skyline.
There's a large, shady kids area with swings, play structures, slides, and trails leading down to Oak's Bottom and to Oak's Park, Sellwood's own little haunted amusement park.

Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge:140 acre Migratory Bird Park. It's a "140-acre floodplain wetland located along the east bank of the Willamette River. Part of the park is built on a sanitation landfill consisting of 400,000 cubic feet of construction waste material layered with soil. " But to us, it serves as a great afternoon hike for the boys. They searched for worm and bug friends - Ian has the best eye for somehow finding tiny creatures hiding under leaves, and made up their own bird calls - which I'm sure was probably annoying to anyone really trying to hear birds!