Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cream + Marbles +Glass Jars + Shaking Wildly = Super good times!

So today, I set out with the idea that we would make butter the old fashioned way: Cream, Mason Jars with lids, Marbles, and kids with waaaay too much energy for their own good. The kids seemed really excited about this, and although I knew that I would probably end up being the only one actually shaking these jars of cream for 20 minutes until the butter magically separated from the cream I decided to give it a shot anyway.

Ian made it a good three minutes but decided that shaking was much too difficult and said that he would "jump it into butter" instead.

Jaxon lasted about 45 seconds shaking his jar - haha!

Let's face it, after shaking with my tendinitis ridden wrists for about 30 minutes, I was really glad that I own an industrial mixer.

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