Saturday, April 10, 2010


I got this super cute idea for little wooden gnomes from Resurrection Fern:


Her little whittled gnomes of course look much cuter than ours turned out, but the kids LOVED the entire process.


1. Take a walk with your munchkins or send them out in the yard to go on a "stick hunt". Help them to find the perfect sticks for their little gnomes.

2. Find some sort of sawing tool, ( preferably sharper or more effective than the little old hand saw that I chose ) and cut your precious sticks into little gnome sized pieces

3. Whittle away one end to make a gnome shaped hat ad beard

4. Paint, and draw on a face. We painted our gnome hats with the home-made watercolors we made yesterday - yay!

For Some reason, we all found this project to be ALOT (even the grown-ups) of fun and so tomorrow we will be heading out on yet another stick hunting adventure to find the perfect materials to make our little gnomes housing and furniture. Remind me again why it is that I spend money on toys when the things they love the most are sticks and rocks?

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